Seminar: "Introduction into probabilistic methods and their application in engineering sciences with focus on monte carlo and response surface methods"
D. Pusch, R. Schmidt, A. Beschorner
TU Dresden

"Propagation of generalized geometrical uncertainties in an integrated CFD design environment by means of a sparse collocation method"
R. Nigro1, D. Wunsch2, G. Coussement1, C. Hirsch2
1University of Mons, Belgium; 2NUMECA International, Belgium
"A Reduced Basis Approach for Efficient Nonintrusive Polynomial Chaos in CFD"
D. Kumar, M. Raisee, C. Lacor
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
"Influence of reduced-order modelling of geometrical uncertainties on statistics"
D. Liu, S. Görtz
DLR Braunschweig
"Sensitivity analysis of a two-stage high pressure compressor using an extended Latin hypercube sampling"
R. Schmidt
TU Dresden
"Aggressive design for Turbomachinery"
S. Shahpar, P. Seshadri, G. Parks
Rolls-Royce plc.
"A flexible strategy for augmenting design points for computer experiments"
P. M. Flassig1, R. A. Bates2
1Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co; 2Rolls-Royce plc.
"Assessment of Optimization Methods for Efficient Reliability Analysis"
T. Most
"Forecasting the Repair of HPT NGVs"
D. Giesecke
TU Braunschweig
"A curvature based algorithm for treatment of cooling holes in polygon meshes of turbine blades"
L. Högner
TU Dresden
"Probabilistic assessment of the creep damage at the surface of steam turbine rotor shafts"
R. Voß, H. Almstedt
Siemens AG
"Requirements and new approaches of probabilistic optimal design from a practical point of view considering steam turbines"
K. Cremanns2, R. Voß1, D. Roos2
1Siemens AG; 2Niederrhein University of Applied Science
"Probabilistic LCF - investigation of a steam turbine rotor under transient thermal loads"
D. Pusch
TU Dresden
"Multidisziplinäre Optimierungen mit FINE/Design 3D"
T. Hildebrandt
NUMECA Ingenieurbüro
"Monte Carlo Cross-Validation for Response Surface Benchmark"
A. Beschorner
TU Dresden